Wedel Southdowns
Wedel Southdowns
About Us

Our mission at Wedel Southdowns is to raise high quality market lambs & breeding sheep at affordable prices. Ronald Wedel (Dad) began raising Southdowns in 1958. He was able to accumulate a prestigious show record by seeking consistent genetics and ideal breed character. However, he was especially proud of the fact that he was able to help several young Southdown breeders get started in the business.

Dad always taught us winning was nice but they had to be low maintenance to live on the farm. Our Southdowns are easy keepers and pass their traits on to the next generation. Southdown breeders who choose Wedel Southdowns can expect big tops, plenty of length and adequate frame size to compete at the shows. At the same time our sheep will be easy to maintain on the farm. We look forward to helping you find the right Southdown to meet your needs!

Dennis Wedel

620-747-0853 |

Visitors Always Welcome!



Wedel Southdowns
Wedel Southdowns
Dennis Wedel 620-747-0853
1774 Arrowhead Road - Moundridge, Kansas
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